[ホーム]  [同窓会登録・検索]  [協賛企業情報]  [国別情報]  [ランキング]  [フリーサポート]  [コミュニティ]  [掲示板一覧]


  ・Bodwell Language School
  ・Canada Language Centre
  ・Clobal English College
  ・EJ Canada College
  ・International Language Schools of Canada (ILSC)
  ・LaSalle College International
  ・Modus The Language Institute
  ・Pacific NorthWest International College
  ・Pacific Rim College Canada
  ・Pacific-Global Language Centre
  ・REGIONS Training Institute
  ・Univeral College of Language
  ・UTS College
  ・Vancouver English Centre
  ・Vancouver International College of English
  ・Vanwest College
  ・Western Town College
  ・Eurocentres Vancouver
  ・B.U.D. College Of English

Pacific-Global Language Centre の投票理由

    ・They have the best teachers and the staff are very helpful. (2003/01/06(月) 07:55)
    ・I liked their homestay service and I stayed with a nice Canadian family. (2003/01/06(月) 07:58)
    ・I had a lot of fun and learned to speak English quickly (2003/04/26(土) 16:55/Risa)
    ・Crazy cool!! (2003/04/29(火) 15:48/sakura)
    ・They have excellent teachers! (2003/06/21(土) 14:45/Mika)
    ・The time I spent in PGLC was the most valuable time ever! (2003/10/14(火) 18:00/K)
    ・Really good teachers! Thank you so much! (2003/12/18(木) 04:34/chie)
    ・Fun teachers, everyone was so nice. (2003/12/18(木) 04:39/Takeshi)
    ・Every teacheres was so nice!! (2004/01/17(土) 02:32/T)
    ・Considered the best school in Vancouver (2004/09/23(木) 15:03)
    ・All teachers and staffs are very nice and helpful!! I want to study English at PGLC again!! (2005/05/18(水) 13:07)
    ・かなりお勧めです。総合的に英語を学びたい人は行くべきです。 (2005/10/18(火) 16:28/JACKASS)

55コメント中 12コメントが Pacific-Global Language Centre のコメントです。

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